William "Tripp" van der Bilt III is a recurring character on the American drama series, Gossip Girl , portrayed by Aaron Tveit. Being the elder cousin of Nate Archibald, Tripp serves as a rival for Nate later on as they compete for the affections of their grandfather, William.
Television series[]
William "Tripp" van der Bilt III is the grandson of William van der Bilt, who is a very "political minded" man, and Nate Archibald's older first cousin. Throughout the series, Tripp competes with Nate for the affections of their grandfather.
In the episode, The debarted, Serena and Tripp escape to upstate New york to spend the weekend in one of the Vanderbelt cabins, While Tripp went into town to get some food, Maureen unwantingly walked in, and threatened Serena. Having enough of the drama Serena wanted to ended their unsufferable relationship, Tripp was going to drive her home. But he abandoned his car after the crash and asked Maureen for help, then they accused Serena of being the driver.
- William van der Bilt II (father)
- Unnamed woman (mother)
- William van der Bilt I (paternal grandfather)
- Anne Archibald (paternal aunt)
- Howard Archibald (paternal uncle, via Anne)
- Nate Archibald (first cousin)
- Maureen van der Bilt (wife; she has filed for divorce)
- Serena van der Woodsen (affair, Gossip Girl Season 3)